How Paddle-Boarding Helped To Find The Old Me After Breast Cancer

Image Courtesy of Red Paddle Co.

Image Courtesy of Red Paddle Co.

Three and a half years ago I'd never even heard of The Primrose Foundation however following a routine mammogram I was recalled back into Primrose as something suspicious had caught the Radiologist’s eye and that was the start of my road-trip to breast cancer, mastectomy, reconstruction and recovery. 

To help me mentally as well as physically I returned to paddle boarding- having had only one lesson on the day I received the recall letter. Life certainly had changed in the interim period and not only had I received the full Primrose treatment, I had also become a Trustee of The Primrose Foundation, a charity which is now very dear to me.

Here is my story in full about how paddle-boarding has helped me to recover and find a bit of the old me!

I hope you enjoy it.

Fiona x

Please click below to read my article in full: