How to Choose the Right Charity for You


By deciding to support a charity you are already on the road to making a big difference.

We understand that choosing the right charity is a difficult decision to make and should require some deep thought and careful consideration. 

Whichever charity you decide to support, and no matter the type of your donation, whether it be a one-off gift, or regular giving, you will be helping to create a brighter future for those that benefit from your chosen charity.

Supporting any charity will give you a real feel-good factor as it allows you to make a real impact on great causes therefore it is important that when choosing a charity, you do so with your heart and mind.

Choose a charity that means something special to you, your family, and or friends. Perhaps a service you or someone you know has used and benefited from or something you feel deeply passionate about. The key to any charitable giving is knowing where your donation goes and the confidence in the difference you are making.


Here are our thoughts on how to choose a charity that is right for you.

  1. This first step is all about identifying a cause that's important to you. What do you care about? What are you passionate about?

  2. Let’s think about it, for example, have you, a friend or family member recently been diagnosed with a condition? Because of this personal connection, you could be helping to improve the care they will receive or perhaps fund research or training to help find a cure or improve investigation and treatment.

  3. Once you are clear about the cause that you feel most passionate about then make a list of potential charities that match your cause and do some research online - check out their website and or social media pages.

  4. Think about who will benefit most from your support or donation. This can be a national charity but check they provide funding for services in your area.

  5. To check this out go the charity commissions website,  and check that the charity you want to support is registered.

  6. Check out their ‘where the money goes’ page. This is important as you want to be confident that your donation will be spent wisely and that you will be making a difference.

  7. Look at what makes the charity different from everyone else. What do they do that others don’t for instance – For example, The Primrose Foundation is your only local breast care charity that is supported by local people, for local people.

  8. Ensure there aren’t any hidden fees, or that your name will not be added to a mailing list or shared without your permission. 

  9. Finally, check that they have various ways you can donate as perhaps you may just be considering a one-off donation for now, and in the future, you may decide to donate monthly. Options are good.